Hello, and welcome to the N.S.H. Editing area of my website. The N.S.H.E.D. is an video editing business run by Henry McCann. Prices for editing videos are $20 per hour of video creation time (minimum charge of 1 hour). The videos will be finished at a random time in the order people sent in their submissions to have me edit a video. To put in a submission, you can email me at hankercraft@asianmedicine.org. But I will respond faster if you email me at icefuego024@gmail.com. If you call my phone number in search of video editing purposes please leave a message telling me who you are, if you are interested in me editing a video for you, and an email or alternative phone number so I can call you back or email you through icefuego024@gmail.com. To give me the money, I will gladly except it in cash and only cash at this moment. You can give me cash in person, or you can contact me for other payment methods.  This is all for now. Goodbye everyone! 


Here is a video I made with my editing software.